Family Caregiver: Benefits of Routines

Caregiver in Calgary NW

Establishing routines helps to create a consistent environment for loved ones. A daily routine is especially beneficial for senior family members who suffer from dementia or Alzheimers. Some of the most common symptoms related to these illnesses are confusion and anxiety. Often times, these feelings result from being required to perform random tasks and not knowing whats next. This prompts anxiety and confusion which may also lead to aggressive and other negative behaviors.

Caregiver in Calgary NW

Seniors thrive when they know they have something positive to look forward to in their day. A well-planned routine provides that and eliminates the feeling that they are a burden to others. People, regardless of age, need to feel they have a purpose. Allowing seniors to be a part of the daily routine helps them feel both needed and responsible. These are positive attributes and create the best environment for elder care.

The absence of routine also opens the door for things to slip through the cracks. Whether its a forgotten bill, missed appointment, or picking up the kids from school “ any of these can throw a wrench in the lives of all involved. Having a chart or check-off list ensures important tasks are covered and offers a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, especially when you give senior the responsibility of checking off completed tasks.

A schedule or routine offers a sense of direction for both the family caregiver and the senior who is receiving care. Without this structure, unforeseen events or tasks can create havoc and chaos, whereas a properly planned routine enables the acceptance of change much easier. A plan for each day allows both the family caregiver and the one being cared for the ability to relax and find comfort in his or her day to day routine. This offers stability and peace of mind for the entire family unit. It also serves as an example to others who suddenly find themselves in the position of caring for aging parents, as sometimes this role occurs overnight.

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